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3 minute

Can you handle the pressure?

Checking your blood pressure at home will help you advocate for your own health
4 min read

Shake That Salt Habit!

Salt is everywhere, but decreasing it can really improve your health

Dr. Liberman @ Form & Fitness 2/2023

In 2023, Dr. Liberman gave a presentation to Form & Fitness, in Grafton, WI about heart healthy lifestyle habits

It Takes K2 to Tango

Vitamin K2 might just be able to help soften hardened arteries
4 minutes

Dietary Double Take

A new study doubles the data on plant-based diets

De-liver-ing news about the heart

Liver health can determine heart health
3 minute read

Is there such a thing as too much exercise?

A moderate level of exercise is enough for most health benefits.
4 minutes

How Much Exercise is Enough?

Even as little as 5-10 minutes of daily exercise is enough to improve your health
3 minute read

Hearts on Fire

Should we all take an ancient anti-inflammatory medication to prevent a heart attack?
3 minutes

Can you remember this easy way to prevent dementia?

Recent research shows a connection between healthy plant-based diets and healthy brains
2 minutes

If I don’t post a picture of an event, did it even happen?

How focusing on social media decreases our enjoyment of the world
5 mins

TMI about TMAO

What makes red meat bad for your health?

Should I eat a keto diet?

“Keto” diets are named for the process of forcing your body to use ketones as fuel instead of carbohydrates.

Intermittent Fasting: Hungry for a Change?

Many people come to their doctor with questions about intermittent fasting as a way to lose weight,

Our clinic is open and we are accepting new patients

@ 2022 Wisconsin Cardiology Associates, SC.